Wind-Blox Blog

Wind-Blox Blog

Ride to school August 09 2014, 0 Comments

Infographics show that about 1% of children in the US commute to school on their bikes. The childhood freedom to bike to class could become something kids see on Leave it to Beaver or hear about at family reunion picnics. 

This August as you count crayons and cross off class lists, pump up your child's bike tires and attach some Blox to their helmets. You'll be fighting childhood obesity, amping up the joy, bringing feelings of autonomy and helping keep your kiddos safe and healthy.

Summer Venture Rides June 09 2014, 0 Comments

Venture Expeditions creates charity rides to raise both awareness and money for important causes.  This summer their cyclists will be riding with greater safety and having even more fun since they'll be wearing Blox while riding to benefit the International Justice Mission and Love Does.  Wind-Blox is all about partnering to build redemptive joy (thank you Storyline and Donald Miller!) and so very excited to find a soul-first group to work with like Venture