Wind-Blox Blog
"Now I can hear my dad" June 01 2015, 0 Comments
Bay Area bicycle rider and Wind-Blox wearer, Kevin, said, "now I can hear my dad giving me directions."
We were glad that Kevin liked the Blox, but the idea that he couldn't really hear his dad before using Blox stuck with us. We found some research that shows 70% of children ride bikes and about 40% of those wear helmets. As safety advocates and bicycle enthusiasts, we really want more families to be like Kevin's. Ride safely, make great memories together and be able to hear each other well.
Kickstarter Review April 28 2015, 0 Comments
We kickstarted back in the fall of 2013 and had a blast! While we set it up to be in the US alone, we quickly found a large amount of international interest. Wind-Blox was also able to test styles to see what people were looking for. Many people had recommended animal patterns, for example, so we made those but found that Black Blox were much more popular. It was a quick run of 30 days and we enjoyed every minute!
Now as we continue building our brand, we wonder if we'll kickstart was a wonderful wild ride and we had results that were even better than we expected. Stay tuned!!
Can You Hear Me Now? April 25 2015, 0 Comments
Annoying wind noise is enough to keep some people off their bikes. One of our early customers wrote us shortly after receiving his order of Wind-Blox to let us know how helpful the Blox had been for his tinnitus. He stated that quieting the wind-noise helped calm the tinnitus, adding less noise made a huge difference for him. Since that time we have heard this from many customers.
Hyperacusis is another hearing problem that is aided with use of our wind blocking devices. With hyperacusis there is a heightened awareness of sound, and those with hyperacusis sometimes choose to limit their activities to those which produce little sound. This often excludes the joy of biking, due to wind noise. Now customers are able to rejoin their love of bike riding and often send their friends our way, too.
Wind Tests For Blox June 14 2014, 0 Comments
Engineering interns at George Fox University are testing the effectiveness of Wind-Blox in the lab. Early results confirm the wind noise reduction of up to 80%, proving Blox in cool technical ways.
Want to be happier? Commute by bike! June 02 2014, 0 Comments
Portland State University (the perfect place to study bike commuting!)has a recent transportation study that shows people who commute by bike have a happier commute than any other mode. Car centered cities, suburban living and solo commuting in cars seems to have lowered our communal joy quotient. Researcher, Nohad A. Toulan states, "Commuting to work by active modes increases commute well-being, even when controlling for distance, income, and other factors."
That's central to our mission at Wind-Blox...join us to get away from your dull commute and participate in fun healthy transport and enjoy the ride without wind noise!