Wind-Blox Blog

Wind-Blox Blog

"Now I can hear my dad" June 01 2015, 0 Comments

Bay Area bicycle rider and Wind-Blox wearer, Kevin, said,  "now I can hear my dad giving me directions." 

We were glad that Kevin liked the Blox, but the idea that he couldn't really hear his dad before using Blox stuck with us.  We found some research that shows 70% of children ride bikes and about 40% of those wear helmets. As safety advocates and bicycle enthusiasts, we really want more families to be like Kevin's.  Ride safely, make great memories together and be able to hear each other well.


What if you get hit by a car? May 19 2015, 0 Comments

Bike-Car Collison Map for Boston


It is good to be prepared, and sometimes we forget the basics.

Call the police, no matter how mild you might think the accident is

Get the vehicle drivers information (address, phone number, license plate and insurance)

Don't admit fault, don't minimize your injuries, don't minimize the damage to your bike

Get names and phone numbers of all witnesses

If a driver runs you off the road be sure to get their plates!

Remember the most common accidents involve the vehicle coming into your lane without seeing you or car doors opening into your path.


No matter how you feel in the moment, collect information and call the police to report the incident--you may not know the extent of injuries or damages to your bicycle until later.

For more information check this link  or this video 

Kickstarter Review April 28 2015, 0 Comments

We kickstarted back in the fall of 2013 and had a blast!  While we set it up to be in the US alone, we quickly found a large amount of international interest.  Wind-Blox was also able to test styles to see what people were looking for.  Many people had recommended animal patterns, for example, so we made those but found that Black Blox were much more popular.  It was a quick run of 30 days and we enjoyed every minute!  

Now as we continue building our brand, we wonder if we'll kickstart was a wonderful wild ride and we had results that were even better than we expected.  Stay tuned!!


Shipping to Andorra, Australia and Your Home Town April 21 2015, 0 Comments

We've updated shipping worldwide and we're pretty excited about the value this will offer customers outside the United States!  Hit us up for safety and fun in bike riding, whether you're in Andorra or Australia we've got your back (or at least your ears)!


Safer Lanes for Safer Cities April 18 2015, 0 Comments

Safe urban commuting requires riders and drivers to be aware of one another.  When a good friend of ours was hit and out of commission for a long while, we began wondering what cities other than ours do to keep their bike commuters safe. 

For years our regular bike commute involved a tricky intersection that we flat-out avoided during peak hours.  A bridge off-ramp, cars preparing to merge with a large busy road, and a poorly marked bike lane added to the complexity of this area--the only provision for safety was a line of installed 'candlesticks'.  While we appreciated the city for installing these, we were willing to ride well out of our way in order to skip the dangerous dance with four-wheeled vehicles.

A favorite option that provides a cheaper, more attractive option is to add a row of flower boxes on the edge of the bike lane.  The Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition made a 'pop up bike lane' for only $600. This brought a new interest in bike safety, made the ride more enjoyable, and beautified the city.

(The Green Lane Project is part of the People For Bikes program, of which Wind-Blox is a part)

CycleLove Manifesto November 19 2014, 0 Comments


find it here

The Vee August 05 2014, 0 Comments

This past weekend some of the Wind-Blox team were out of town and borrowed bikes and helmets.  When they donned the headgear it was surprising to see how others before them had worn these helmets.  The straps were very loose and the 'vee' where the front and back strap from each side met to create the chin strap was actually near the chin of each rider.  Obviously these helmets needed adjustments if they were to be useful for promoting safety!

As the Blox team adjusted their borrowed helmets, they realized that the 'vee' could be something that customers might not consider when attaching Blox to their helmets.  For best use of Blox, the 'vee' should be close to the rider's earlobe and the chin strap should be snug.

Happy riding!

Summer Venture Rides June 09 2014, 0 Comments

Venture Expeditions creates charity rides to raise both awareness and money for important causes.  This summer their cyclists will be riding with greater safety and having even more fun since they'll be wearing Blox while riding to benefit the International Justice Mission and Love Does.  Wind-Blox is all about partnering to build redemptive joy (thank you Storyline and Donald Miller!) and so very excited to find a soul-first group to work with like Venture


Want to be happier? Commute by bike! June 02 2014, 0 Comments

Portland State University (the perfect place to study bike commuting!)has a recent transportation study that shows people who commute by bike have a happier commute than any other mode.  Car centered cities, suburban living and solo commuting in cars seems to have lowered our communal joy quotient.  Researcher, Nohad A. Toulan states, "Commuting to work by active modes increases commute well-being, even when controlling for distance, income, and other factors."

That's central to our mission at Wind-Blox...join us to get away from your dull commute and participate in fun healthy transport and enjoy the ride without wind noise! 

Enjoy the ride!

Rewarding Bike Safety May 29 2014, 0 Comments

Rewarding positive behavior is a great parenting technique, Jean Julson in Osseo Wisconsin, has taken this to the streets.  She offered treats to kids wearing bike helmets and was so successful that the local police department and some nearby businesses have joined her.  Now the young people of Osseo have more than reminders to be safe--they've got reinforcement.

Here's a fit method: 2x2x2

With the helmet on your head, the very edge or rim of your helmet when you look up past your eyebrows.

      2 finger widths above your eyebrow.

The straps on the side of the helmet by the ears should meet and form a “V” right under each ear lobe.

      To check, form a “V” with 2 fingers around the ear.

Once the side straps are adjusted in a “V” buckle them. The straps should be snug but not too tight.

       Adjust until you can put no more than 2 fingers between the strap and your chin.