Wind-Blox Blog
Riding has so many benefits May 13 2015, 0 Comments

Can You Hear Me Now? April 25 2015, 0 Comments
Annoying wind noise is enough to keep some people off their bikes. One of our early customers wrote us shortly after receiving his order of Wind-Blox to let us know how helpful the Blox had been for his tinnitus. He stated that quieting the wind-noise helped calm the tinnitus, adding less noise made a huge difference for him. Since that time we have heard this from many customers.
Hyperacusis is another hearing problem that is aided with use of our wind blocking devices. With hyperacusis there is a heightened awareness of sound, and those with hyperacusis sometimes choose to limit their activities to those which produce little sound. This often excludes the joy of biking, due to wind noise. Now customers are able to rejoin their love of bike riding and often send their friends our way, too.
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Riding has so many benefits Posted on May 13, 2015
Can You Hear Me Now? Posted on April 25, 2015
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