Wind-Blox Blog
"Now I can hear my dad" June 01 2015, 0 Comments
Bay Area bicycle rider and Wind-Blox wearer, Kevin, said, "now I can hear my dad giving me directions."
We were glad that Kevin liked the Blox, but the idea that he couldn't really hear his dad before using Blox stuck with us. We found some research that shows 70% of children ride bikes and about 40% of those wear helmets. As safety advocates and bicycle enthusiasts, we really want more families to be like Kevin's. Ride safely, make great memories together and be able to hear each other well.
It's not what you ride.... November 30 2014, 0 Comments
Bike and Scooter Fun Night August 19 2014, 0 Comments
Our community is having a bike and scooter fun night and we're getting it set. We've not done one of these before and our main goals are to keep it fun and simple. After reading all the pinterest-pretty suggestions and the intricate ideas, here's what we're doing instead:
It will be a fun night (as compared to a safety skills training)
There will be a special parking area and helmet table
Helmets will be judged for fit, decorations available for those who would like to get fancy and prizes awarded
A large parking lot will be divided into thirds
Slow course (bikes only)
During the timed slow course riders must follow a chalk line that is sometimes a bit curvy. They may not put their feet down or the timer stops. Each rider will be given their time at the end.
Obstacle course
Riders go around obstacles trying for accuracy and speed. Any touch of an obstacle causes a rider to re-start
Separate heats will be available for bikes and scooters. This will be timed, or may end up as a race against a good-humored adult.
Bike Wash
At the end of the evening, a bike wash (also known as a sprinkler you can ride under) will be available to enjoy!
Ride to school August 09 2014, 0 Comments
Infographics show that about 1% of children in the US commute to school on their bikes. The childhood freedom to bike to class could become something kids see on Leave it to Beaver or hear about at family reunion picnics.
This August as you count crayons and cross off class lists, pump up your child's bike tires and attach some Blox to their helmets. You'll be fighting childhood obesity, amping up the joy, bringing feelings of autonomy and helping keep your kiddos safe and healthy.
Timeless July 11 2014, 0 Comments
In an industry where there are always new models, lighter frames and cleaner lines to be had it is good to remember that, "Bicycles may change but cycling is timeless."
-Zapata Espinoza
these parts? here
Rewarding Bike Safety May 29 2014, 0 Comments
Rewarding positive behavior is a great parenting technique, Jean Julson in Osseo Wisconsin, has taken this to the streets. She offered treats to kids wearing bike helmets and was so successful that the local police department and some nearby businesses have joined her. Now the young people of Osseo have more than reminders to be safe--they've got reinforcement.
Here's a fit method: 2x2x2
With the helmet on your head, the very edge or rim of your helmet when you look up past your eyebrows.
2 finger widths above your eyebrow.
The straps on the side of the helmet by the ears should meet and form a “V” right under each ear lobe.
To check, form a “V” with 2 fingers around the ear.
Once the side straps are adjusted in a “V” buckle them. The straps should be snug but not too tight.
Adjust until you can put no more than 2 fingers between the strap and your chin.