Wind-Blox Blog
What if you get hit by a car? May 19 2015, 0 Comments
Bike-Car Collison Map for Boston
It is good to be prepared, and sometimes we forget the basics.
Call the police, no matter how mild you might think the accident is
Get the vehicle drivers information (address, phone number, license plate and insurance)
Don't admit fault, don't minimize your injuries, don't minimize the damage to your bike
Get names and phone numbers of all witnesses
If a driver runs you off the road be sure to get their plates!
Remember the most common accidents involve the vehicle coming into your lane without seeing you or car doors opening into your path.
No matter how you feel in the moment, collect information and call the police to report the incident--you may not know the extent of injuries or damages to your bicycle until later.
For more information check this link or this video
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